Yoga Practice:
Standing Hip Openers


Standing hip openers is a yoga warm up that supports mobilization of the hip joints.



Standing Hip Openers:
1. Stand with your feet wider than your shoulders and your hands on your hips. Begin to circle your hips forward, to one side, then back, and to the opposite side. Grow the movement through your range of comfort over several repetitions. Then reverse directions.

Balancing Hip Circles:
1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your arms extended to the sides for balance. Lift your right leg up to hip height with knees bent to 90°. Keeping the knee bent, open the leg out to the right side, then circle it down toward the floor, and up across the body to your left as high and far as you comfortably can.

2. Repeat several times before reversing direction, then switch sides.

Modifications & Variations:


To better support you balance during hip circles, place a hand on a desk, chair, or wall.

Helpful Hints:


Never overdo or force any yoga movement. If you begin to experience discomfort or pain, release the posture. Find a variation of the posture that serves your body and practice best.

Practice with self-compassion and non-judgement..

  • Content from NYCDOE YMTP² curricular materials