Yoga Practice:
Shoulder Rolls


Shoulder Rolls are a yoga warm up that help to mobilize the shoulder girdle and engages and releases shoulder, chest, and upper-body musculature.


  1. From a seated or standing position, with an inhale, draw the shoulders forward, then up toward the ears. On an exhale, bring them backward and then down to where you began.

  2. Repeat several times, gradually adjusting and expanding to explore your range of comfort. Then reverse direction.


Helpful Hints:


For a challenge to coordination and body awareness, try rolling shoulders in opposite directions simultaneously.

Never overdo or force any yoga movement. If you begin to experience discomfort or pain, release the posture. Find a variation of the posture that serves your body and practice best.

Practice with self-compassion and non-judgement.

Shoulder Rolls can be done standing, sitting in a chair.

  • Content from NYCDOE YMTP² curricular materials