Yoga Practice:
Neck Circles


Neck Circles are a yoga warm up that help to mobilize joints of the cervical spine through flexion, extension, and lateral extension.


  1. From a seated or standing position, let your chin drop toward your chest, maintaining neutral curves through the middle and lower back.

  2. With an inhale, roll your right ear toward your right shoulder. With an exhale, roll your chin back to your chest.

  3. Switch sides, and then repeat several times. Alternating from one side to the other and back again.

Modifications & Variations:


For a sustained stretch, you can pause during any part of the movement and hold any enjoyable sensation for several breathes.


Helpful Hints:


Never overdo or force any yoga movement. If you begin to experience discomfort or pain, release the posture. Find a variation of the posture that serves your body and practice best.

Practice with self-compassion and non-judgement

Neck Circles can be done standing or sitting in a chair.

  • Content from NYCDOE YMTP² curricular materials