Journal Challenges:
Day 19



Days 16 - 20 focus on your feelings.

 Day 19:
Art for Anxiety


1. Gather some art materials for this exercise. Include a piece of blank paper and any art materials of your choice in the colors of your choice. Materials that work well are those that easily slide and move across the page such as crayons, markers, oil pastels, etc.

2. With your art materials in front of you, close your eyes and without lifting your art material from the page or looking, draw a continuous shape. Move your hand in any way that feels natural and good. When you feel done, open your eyes and sit with your piece.

3. Without judgment, focusing on the process and not the product, what feelings come to mind when you look at what you have drawn? Use additional art materials to add to your piece, making it into anything you wish.

4. When you are finished, step back and examine your piece now. Close your eyes for a simple breath mediation, noticing any sensations or feelings that may have risen during this practice and re-connect with your breath.


How did this feel?


Today I am thankful for ________________