Journal Challenges:
Day 18



Days 16 - 20 focus on your feelings.

Day 18:
Ride the Wave



1. Ground yourself on the floor or on a chair. Find an alert yet relaxed posture. Close your eyes if that is comfortable or soften your gaze.

2. Breathe deeply and completely for 5 breaths.

3. Think of a recent situation that was extremely stressful for you.

4. Scan your body to see what sensations may come up for you, focusing on this stressful event . Notice any sensations or tensions that may arise. See if you can be with these sensations, as they are, riding them like a wave that shall pass. Return to your breath and continue the scan, assessing for other areas of sensation or tension.

5. When you feel you have completed your body scan in this way, turn your attention back to the breath, letting these sensations go, for 3 -5 breathes. When you are ready open your eyes.


How did this feel?


Today I am thankful for ________________