Journal Challenges:
Day 10

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 Days 6 -10 focus on the breath and breathing.


Day 10:
3-Part Breath

(the Complete Breath)


1. Sit in an alert yet relaxed posture, feeling grounded in your chair or in your seat on the floor. Close your eyes if this is comfortable or soften your gaze in front of you.

2. Breathe naturally and mindfully for 3 - 5 breathes.

3. Bring your attention inward and begin to deepen your awareness of your breathing.

4. Place your hands on your belly and feel your breath there, expanded with an inhale and falling with an exhale. Breathe fully 3 breathes only in your belly.

5. Place your hands on your rib cage. and now feel your breath there, expanded with an inhale and falling with an exhale. Breathe fully 3 breathes only in the center of your torso.

6. Place your hands on the top of your chest and now feel your breath there, expanded with an inhale and falling with an exhale. Breathe fully 3 breathes only in the top of your chest. You may feel less breath here in this smaller space.

7. Now integrating all three areas, starting at the belly feel your inhale travel from the belly up to the torso and ribs up to the top of the chest. Hold for a moment then feel and notice your exhale travel backward down that same path (chest, ribs, belly). You can use your hands on your body to deepen your awareness of your breath. Breathe in this complete and full way for 5 breathes.

8. Loosen you attention away from your breath and breathe naturally for a few breathes before opening your eyes.


How did this feel?


Today I am thankful for ________________