Journal Challenges:
Day 1

Congratulations on dedicating the next 30 days to strengthening your breath, yoga and mindfulness practice. Through careful cultivation and self-reflection, we will ground, breathe, think, feel, notice and reflect.

Consider recording your experiences and responses in a dedicated journal.


Days 1 - 5 revolve around a theme of grounding.

Day 1:
Mountain Meditation


1. Stand with your feet together and your hands to your side. Press weight evenly across the balls of your feet. Press your big toes together. Tuck your tailbone slightly down without rounding your spine.

2. Breathe rhythmically, feeling each inhale and exhale deepen as you take the stance of a mountain.

3. Notice how you feel after standing in this pose and breathing mindfully.


How did this feel?


Today I am thankful for ________________