Yoga Practice:
6 Movements of the Spine


The 6 Movements of the Spine yoga warm-up sequence allows the spinal joints to move through fundamental movements of flexion, extension, lateral flexion, and rotation. These yoga movements engage and relax all of the supporting muscles of the spine and activates and relaxes accessory breathing muscles.


  • Takes spine through all of its fundamental movements

  • Engages and relaxes all of the supporting muscles of the spine

  • Activates and relaxes accessory breathing muscles



Flexion & Extension:

1.     Inhale your arms out to the side and overhead. Interlace your fingers and turn the palms up. Exhale to tilt the hips back and round the spine forward, pressing the palms forward or down towards the ground.

2.     Inhale and rise back up, then exhale to circle the arms around behind your back, either interlacing fingers, or pressing hands against the lower back for support.

3.     Inhale to tilt the pelvis and lift the chest up and back, keeping the neck comfortable ad supported. Exhale to release the arms and return to an easy seat and neutral spine.

Lateral Flexion:

1.     Inhale your arms out to the side and overhead. Exhale your right hand or forearm to the floor as the left arms extends to stretch the left side of the body.

2.     Inhale both arms overhead, returning to center. Exhale your left hand or forearm to the floor as the right arm extends to stretch the right side of the body.

3. Inhale both arms overhead, returning to center. Exhale to release the arms and return the arms and return to an easy seat and neutral spine.


1.     Inhale your arms out to the side and overhead. On an exhale, turn your torso to the right and float the arms down, resting the hands where they land or using them for support on the knee in front and the floor behind.

2.     Inhale both arms overhead, returning to center. On an exhale, turn your torso to the left and float the arms down, resting the hands where they land or using them for support on the knee in front and the floor behind.

3.     Inhale both arms overhead, returning to center. Exhale to release the arms and return to an easy seat and neutral spine.



Lateral Flexion to the Left Side

Lateral Flexion to the Left Side

Lateral Flexion to the Right Side

Lateral Flexion to the Right Side




Modifications & Variations:


Standing Variation: The six movements of the spine can also be done from a standing position, with substantially the same. Instructions.

Helpful Hints:


Never overdo any breathing exercise or force your breath into a pattern that is uncomfortable. If you begin to feel anxious or lightheaded, stop practicing and breathe normally.

Practice with self-compassion and non-judgement

6 Movements of the Spine can be done from a seated or standing.

  • Content from NYCDOE YMTP² curricular materials